I thought I could use the bottle for my Z post - but I had to search and find out what the heck Zingib. meant. The only thing I found that made sense was zingiber and that is ginger. I suppose that it is plausible that pharmacies stocked ginger. It has long been used for medicinal purposes. If anyone knows what might have been originally kept in the jar, please let me know. The jar currently is filled with lavender to help make the room smell a little sweeter.
I've had a lot of fun with the ABC Along this year. I've learned some things and it was a real help when I started my blog last year. I always had something to post. Maybe it made me a better photographer too - and if not better at least more aware of what I know and don't know.
I decided not to post a 2006 finished objects round up. Looking back, there really aren't a lot of finished objects so my list would be a little lackluster compared to others out there. Also, I'm still hoping to get one more thing added to the list! I'm trying to finish my Anastasia socks before midnight tonight and I can added them to the 2006 finished objects. You can view my 2006 Finished Objects on Flickr if interested.
I'm going to start 2007 with a goal of trying to finish projects I've already started and start projects only with the yarn I already have stashed. I will be joining the Rocking Sock Club again, so that is exempt. I can think of a couple other reasons I might buy yarn too - but I'll try hard to stick with the plan.
I also hope to expand my camera skills and become a better picture taker. Maybe someday I can get paid to take photos. Not likely - but I can always dream. Other than that I will work on a few personal things and I will try and be a better person overall. Not that I was bad this year - but there is always something we can do better. Have a happy and safe New Years Eve.
Hm. I just learned something new about ginger!!! Great Z!
Loved your FO album too!! (I had forgotten about all those gorgeous felted bowls you had done!)
Wow! That is just so cool! Great Z there! Nice FO's there too! I agree, those bowls are gorgeous!
Onward to 2007! :)
You are an amazing photographer so I can't wait to see what 2007 brings!
Great pictures! I'm sure pharmacies did stock ginger for stomach ailments. I know it's great for nausea, among (probably) other things.
Wow! Your FO list is certainly bigger than mine (not that it's a competititon). It's nice to be able to see everything all in one place -- it should make you proud of your accomplishments - especially when you put the knitted things together with the others - i.e. stepping stones, backsplash, baby gifts etc. etc. etc.
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