Lizard Ridge squares finished! I just can't seen to stop knitting these squares. I have so much other stuff to knit, but every time I see this project I just have to knit another square. Plus the squares work up so quickly. I'm able to finish a square in the evening while Brad is watching college basketball. This square is out of Kureyon color # 185. What maybe appearing as blue is actually purple. Purple has always been one of my favorite colors, so I'm pleased with this square. I'm hoping my new camera will produce color that is closer to the actual item. I took these photos with my old camera.

This square make eight complete. Getting closer one step at a time. This square is in Kureyon color # 164. The tough part is going to be seaming all the squares together once they are complete. The pattern calls for a crocheted border but I've never done any crochet. I do like the crocheted border - it is a scalloped pattern that I think goes well with the short row stripes. So I'd like to learn to crochet for that reason. Does anyone know of a good website or book on learning crochet?
I'm a crochet-o-phobe so I can't give you any good advice.
But I must say just as you don't get tired of knitting these squares--I don't get tired of looking at them!
Susan Bates "Learn to Crochet in 8 Easy Steps" - best learn to crochet book ever! My grandmother taught me a granny square when I was 10 and I taught myself everything else from this book. It's a little hard to find, but worth the effort.
I think I used to have a "Learn How" book from Susan Bates. I'll look for it but it might also be one that I gave to you because I think the one I remember had knitting and crochet. I can probably walk you through it on the phone if you have fairly decent photos in front of you. Maybe you won't be ready for the border until our get together in the spring and then I can give you a lesson in person if you want. I can't wait to see the finished product...I really loved the squares...
Don't really know a site, though I know they are out there. However, I would be happy to teach you myself. Email me and we can work out the details. It isn't hard at all, but, I warn you, once you learn, you may want to do other projects...I'm just saying...
Fab colors there! I kinda learned it years ago and have not done a lot...do they have crochethelp.com? That's how I learned a lot of knitting...hmmm
My goodness, that's going to be gorgeous once it's seamed up. The colors are just stunning.
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