This fist picture is of a little tiny grasshopper that was on one of my house plants that stays on the back porch in the summer. The grasshopper was only about the size of my thumbnail. I also saw a katydid on our porch, but I was unable to get a clear picture.
I really enjoy taking photos of interesting creatures and plants that are living and growing around my house. You have probably guessed this from the photos I've posted to my blog so far. I've gotten a little better at taking pictures since starting the blog and have been entertaining the idea of exploring the topic a little more. We'll see though - all I need is another hobby. And I'm sure that the equipment would put a definite dent in any budget I have for yarn.
The other photos I have for today are of my hoya plant that is blooming. Back in April I posted H is for Hindu Rope that showed one of my favorite and most interesting house plants.

I had been checking the plant every day for signs of flowers, but had given up. The other day I noticed these star shaped flower bud hanging down and almost touching the concrete floor of the porch.
Here is the flower in all its glory. I haven't been able to detect any scent of the flower, but I love the star shape and the flowers are covered with fuzz, like a peach.

those shots are gorgeous!
Your photos are always amazing. It could be a good pursuit for you. You might even be able to bring in some extra cash with it. I think you're great at everything you do.
beautiful pictures! definitely go for it, maybe us amatures can learn a thing or two from you ;)
Amazing pictures! Love them! Especially the pink flower! :)
Gorgeous, gorgeous! I love flowers!
I have to know what these are called!
Do you know, by chance?
I stumbled across your page on a journey for something completly different. You say that you haven't detected any scent from your hoya. I have a large plant that stays indoors in the winter and has holidays outside in the summer. The scent in the evening fills the whole house, there is no perfume in the daylight hours.
THIS IS MY FAVORITE PLANT! It was given to my mother when I was a little girl and she of coarse has a green thumb and hers flowers all over the place! It brings back child hood memories as it was hanging down the stairway when you would enter the home. I took a stem from her plant and now have a plant of my own :) I still have no flowers but it's making good progress and growing fast. Something that nobody has mentioned yet about this plant is it produces a tasty honey on the flowers that is sugary and yummy! And I agree with the last post - it gives a beautiful sweet aroma to the whole house!
I have this plant as well and just blogged about it. My flowers are white and have a scent almost like an Easter lily. I was wondering the name of it but it looks like from the comments that it's called a hoya? Neat. I was so surprised to see flowers on mine. I've had it for a couple years and this is the first I've seen.
My mom had this plant too! I almost forgot it exists...
I used to lick the sweet juice off the flowers when i was little!
The smell in the room was lovely too!
I want one too!!!!!!
Can you tell me the name if this flower please. I been looking for this flower for years. This bring bsck memories when I was a little girl. Thanks.
I've always called it a jolla (pronounced hoya), like La Jolla Beach.
I just searched, and it's spelled hoya! Not like the beach after all...
A friend of mine gave me this plant a few years ago and it finally bloomed. There are four clusters of flowers on mine, and I love it! She had never seen it bloom, so I had to send pictures to her.
I too have one of these amazing vines. It currently has one cluster of flowers. There are 4 more penducles.It is in an east window. The vine is all over one side of the room. So, so happy to finally learn it's name. It was my mother-in-laws.
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