I took this picture this fall after a nice rain. Apparently that is the best time to find turtles. This picture is what I believe to be an adult male box turtle. I think he is a "he" because of his coloring and his red eyes. I've red different reports that these little guys can live between 30-100+ years. They also stay in one small area their entire lives. And in fact, if I removed him from his little comfort zone, he would spend all his time trying to find his way back. So here he will stay for as long as he wants. The other turtle fact I did not know is that the box turtle is the official state reptile for North Carolina. I knew about state birds and flowers, but I had no idea we had a state reptile.

He wouldn't come out of his shell while I was around. You can kind of get an idea of his size in this picture. My foot is a size seven.
Tonight makes the beginning of my
kitchen tile project. My husband and I are hoping to have the project complete by Sunday. I'll post some updates when I can and of course pictures of the finished project will be up as soon as we finish.
Well this is the day before Thanksgiving - So I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving or if that doesn't apply, I just hope you have a great weekend.
You're having a triple T weekend! Turtles, turkey and tile! ;-)
Love the turtle pic! I miss my Michigan turtles. There's just something about seeing them out in the wild that's so cool!
Dammit I know I'm behind with posting my T but this would have been so perfect for me! Gah! Now to come up with another T. Hmm....
I can't believe you came across him in the wild. Where were you? On a hike?
Awesome picture! I'm still thinking on a T for me! I may do one every week, or extend into the new year LOL!
Good luck with the tiling!! can't wait to see pics!
Love the turtle pic! Happy thanksgiving!
Wow! I've never seen a turtle out in nature before--that's so cool!
I'm very impressed you're going to tackle the kitchen over the holiday weekend--it's going to look amazing. Good luck!!
Look at that cutie:) Can't help thinking about Verne the turtle from the "Over the Hedge" movie...too funny! Going to the Christmas Craft show at the Fairgrounds tomorrow. Will you still be tiling?
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