I've finally gotten a new laptop and I'm itching to get started with my knitting and craft projects and blogging. Every time I walk by my spinning wheel or see a skein of yarn or knitting needles I want to get working on a new project.
I'm guessing that I won't be quite as prolific a knitter and spinner as I once was, but hopefully I can still make things interesting enough to share. So for starters, I decided to start with an easy knitting project to get the ball rolling. I'm working on a Christmas stocking for Widget.
I knit and felted stockings for myself and Mr. Knit Me a River, so I decided that Widget ought to have one too. I figure the project is easy and with minimal effort even I ought to be able to finish it by Christmas. I started with some Noro Kureyon I had stashed. I found my knitting notebook and all my notes from my first stocking (from 2006!) are there and ready to follow. It's really just one big stockinette sock knit on size 11 needles.
In other happenings around Geddesburg, Widget is growing and progressing as expected. He is about six and a half months old and just the absolute best thing I've ever done. He's starting solid foods and I'm making all his food right now.It's not hard at all and it certainly is a lot cheaper. Maybe I'll blog the process with the peaches I'm getting ready to prepare for him. It will be his first time eating peaches.
I'll post an update on Scarlett and Sherman soon too. They are doing well and like any attention they can get now that they are having to share the limelight with a new baby.
Wee Widget!! He's such a cutie! Glad you are getting a chance to knit again. We gotta meet up sometime soon!
He is such a doll! Look at him hamming it up for the camera :^) No, you won't be as prolific a knitter/spinner as you used to be for a while, but you have more important things to do right now. Enjoy your time with Widget; he'll be all grown up before you know it!
A Christmas stocking for the little guy is the perfect thing to get the knitting started again!
Isn't he just the cutest little guy! Great job, there!!!
awww glad to see you back. your little one is just too precious!! Love his smile.
He is so cute!! Love that grin!
Widget is all kinds of awesome, Shannon. He's the best WIP you can work on. :o)
And hooray for making his baby food, and spending time with him, and working some knitting back into your life. Hopefully you've adjusted somewhat to the "new normal", and you're loving being a mother. :o)
Glad to see you are picking back up some of the things you were doing before Widget exploded into your life. Granted he is top priority but there needs to be some balance. I've got some great ideas for some of your first few projects - weekend satchel, scarf etc. etc. etc.....ha! ha! ha!
He is gorgeous, Shannon!! You are one lucky Mom!
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