Sunday, April 04, 2010

Happy Easter!

Just hopping by to wish you all a Happy Easter from the cutest Easter bunny I've ever seen.

Tomorrow is a big day for us here at Geddesburg. I'll be going back to work for the first time in three months and Widget will be starting daycare. I've spent the weekend getting everything together and getting things in order. Crib sheets, bottles, bottle warmer, diapers, wipes, and extra clothes, I think I'll need a grocery cart to get in all into the place on Monday morning.
I'm amazed at how much daycare costs and all the stuff I'm still responsible for providing. That's not even counting all the other baby costs. I'm not sure how any of you with kids afford fiber or yarn. I can tell you my yarn and fiber purchasing is totally on hold for awhile. It's a good thing I have a nice stash!

I am hoping that Widget and I will adjust to the new schedule okay. I'm also hoping to sneak a little more blogging time in the week. So if you are still out there don't give up on me yet.


Rasa said...

Happy Easter! Widget is the cutest! good luck with next week - I don't know how all you mothers do it juggling everything:)

Trillian42 said...

Totally the cutest Easter Bunny ever. What a smile!

Zonda said...

Totally agree! The cutest bunny ever! Hang in there and give both of you time to adjust. Soon it won't be so bad. Oh, and as they get older, things cost a bit less (no diapers, formula, etc.)

Walden said...

Absolutely adorable!

turtlegirl76 said...

What a cute little guy he is! Good luck on day 1! I'm sure you'll both get through it just fine. =)

Bezzie said...

I swear to cats, is there anything cuter than a baby in a white onesie???? This picture proves there's not!

Batty said...

Goodness, I'm dying of cuteness over here! Happy Easter to you and your adorable bunny baby.

IrishGirlieKnits said...

OMG! OMG!! Totally totally cutest Easter Bunny ever! Eek! Must tickle that tummy!! So so cute!!

Good luck tomorrow Shannon! I'm sure it won't be easy!

bockstark.knits said...

too too cute!!!

Annalea said...

Oh Shannon, he's wonderful! How can you bear to go back to work?

Fwiw, we have just one income, and I have to watch sales for a lot of my yarn purchases. (But not having cable frees up a fair bit each month. lol) Have you done a really careful analysis of what your net earnings will be going back to work? I remember working through the numbers of a friend of mine, and coming to the realization that she only brought home about $350 a month working full time. (She had one child in daycare, and I don't remember what her monthly take-home was.)

I'm pretty counter-cultural, but I just wanted to throw that out there, in case you were wishing in your heart of hearts that you could stay home with your Widget. You can. It'll just take a little doing. :o)

If you don't want to, then please don't take offense. I'm just one of those who has a strong habit of questioning the way things are usually done because. ;o)

Hope you had a great Easter!

Anonymous said...

It's day one of day care! Hope it went well.

Jennie said...

awwww just perfect!!