I love the sheep pictured on the note she sent. Looks like he has dreadlocks. She also sent me a lovely ball of Rowan Big Wool in a nice white and beige color that will be knitted up into a cozy hat for the upcoming winter.
She also included me a trial size Marmite that I have promised to try, but have been putting off so far, but I will try it. After all, she tried some of the questionable treats that I sent to her. I sent off some Boston Baked Beans (candy) and some Halloween Peeps. I guess those can be kind of scary if you aren't used to them! She did some wonderful chocolate though - and you can see an empty wrapper in the background. I didn't even wait to take the picture before diving in. I'll let you know what I think about the Marmite.
Marmite is like spreading beer dregs on a slice of toast..so yeasty! At least to me!
But how sweet is your downstream SP spoiling you! Aww!
We want to hear about the marmite!
Remember it takes at least three attempts before you enjoy it!
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