I was thinking of casting on longways for a scarf and making it striped and using just a plain garter stitch pattern. There isn't really enough to make anything large and the yarn has been discontinued. So there won't be a good way to get any more.
Any ideas on what I should knit with it? Or should I just go with the scarf idea?
Pretty! Turtlegirl picked up some of that for me to make the Simple Knitted Bodice, but I love your idea of the longways-knit scarf!
Nice yarn. I bet it's really, really soft. I think the scarf idea is a good one.
I think I'd go a bit lacy with the scarf, but I like the lengthwise idea.. From dark to light.. so pretty.
Gorgeous yarn! Wouldn't that feel fabulous against your neck? It certainly would make a wonderful length wise scarf.
If you want something other than a scarf, it would make a beautiful pillow or pillow front depending on the amount of yarn you have.
Happy knitting!
I agree with the scarf idea, that is my new way I love making them. You can knit as many rows as you can and save a bit if you want fringe. Can't wait to see what it becomes :)
Scarf seems like a good use of all those lovely colors. Maybe a nice slip stitch pattern done long ways, cast on lengthwise, as you've suggested.
I disagree on the scarf idea. After wearing the SKB I made out of it, I can say that it wouldn't make a good scarf. At least not one that's meant to keep you warm. It is nice against the skin though. I'd do a pillow. Or a purse.
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