Sherman is all decked out for Halloween in his bee costume. We picked this up at Old Navy last year on clearance. It really is a little small for him. The velcro strap wouldn't fasten around his chest. But he was such a good sport to stay still for a couple of pictures. I think I'd have to make a costume to get one that fit him properly. But for a couple bucks, what can you expect.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Fiber Friday - The Blues

I was thinking of casting on longways for a scarf and making it striped and using just a plain garter stitch pattern. There isn't really enough to make anything large and the yarn has been discontinued. So there won't be a good way to get any more.
Any ideas on what I should knit with it? Or should I just go with the scarf idea?
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Bushel Basket Hat

Pattern: Bushel Basket Bonnet
Designed by Susan Esser
Knitting Pattern-a-Day Calendar, Monday Oct. 9, 2006
Yarn: Rowan Big Wool
Color - 16
Needles: Addi TURBO -US# 10.5/6.5 mm circulars (16")
This is the first thing I've knit from that little calendar of patterns. Most of the patterns haven't been anything I've liked. Sometimes the patterns are good for a chuckle. But there have been a couple that would be interesting to make and it is a nice little diversion to have at my desk to look at each day.
I haven't been knitting much lately. No reason really, just must be a little distracted. Hopefully getting this hat completed will give me a shove in the right direction. I also picked up my Anastasia socks this weekend too. The socks were at a stand still for quite a while. I've finally turned the heel on the first sock and so far so good. Now, I just have to keep it up.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Another Fiber Friday

I've currently got a pair of socks started using a different color of Koigu. The plan is to work on those this weekend.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
R is for Rectangle

This is the small guest bathroom on the first floor. I painted the walls using a 6"x8" rectangle pattern and seven different colors of beachy blues and greens. Some of the rectangles in the pictures look white - but they really are a very pale blue.
This room is the smallest in the house, but actually took me the longest to paint. I think in total the project took me a little over a week to complete. I laid out the rectangle pattern on the wall using a pencil, level, and a yard stick. Once all the rectangles were drawn on the wall, I numbered them all from one to seven. I also assigned a number to each color. I didn't want any same color rectangles to touch. The drawing and numbering was finished in an evening.

Once the painting was finished I went out and go the shelves, mirror, towel ring, and paper holder. I also added white porcelain outlet and switch covers to coordinate.
Overall I was please with the results. It came out about like I expected. I don't think I will ever do this again to an entire room. And now I'm a little tired of the whole thing and I've been thinking of repainting the room.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Fiber Friday - Something from the Stash

I did use four of these skeins to make a felted bowl. The felted fabric came out with a really neat texture. Now I have six skeins left and have to figure out what to make. I know I still have enough to make a bag - but I can't decide.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Fiber Friday and Sherman the Swift

This picture was taken early afternoon out in the back yard. The yarn does have a lovely sheen to it, but that seemed to be enhanced in the photos because of the sun.

I have two skeins of this beauty stashed away waiting to be knitted into something fabulous. I'm thinking it will be my first Clapotis from Knitty or the entrelac Lady Eleanor from Scarf Style. I've wanted to try both patterns for awhile.
I haven't been knitting much the last couple of weeks. Some of my family came for a visit and it is my busiest time of the year at work. We put on a large conference each year at this time and most of my other projects are due at the same time. But the good news is that will be over next week and I can get back to my knitting.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
A Nice Thank You Present

I love the sheep pictured on the note she sent. Looks like he has dreadlocks. She also sent me a lovely ball of Rowan Big Wool in a nice white and beige color that will be knitted up into a cozy hat for the upcoming winter.
She also included me a trial size Marmite that I have promised to try, but have been putting off so far, but I will try it. After all, she tried some of the questionable treats that I sent to her. I sent off some Boston Baked Beans (candy) and some Halloween Peeps. I guess those can be kind of scary if you aren't used to them! She did some wonderful chocolate though - and you can see an empty wrapper in the background. I didn't even wait to take the picture before diving in. I'll let you know what I think about the Marmite.