Well the Swissys are still here and doing well, but they are now having to share the stage and our attention with Widget. Sherman is a little indifferent to Widget, but Scarlett is always interested in what he is doing. Sometimes I think she is just as interested in the toys as he is. One thing is for sure, the dogs and the baby make this a busy house. It is nice when everyone decides to take a nap at the same time. I'm able to get laundry folded or a few rows of knitting done.

But the minute one of them gets up, the fun starts again. This time Widget decided to catch Scarlett by the tail. He did pull, but I think she is so much that bigger that she didn't even feel the tugging. He does love watching them and reaching out for them. He likes feeling the texture of the fur.

One of the neat things to see is Widget's face when we get home in the evening from work/daycare. He lights right up and starts laughing and smiling at both of them as they come to the door to greet us. We never leave this group unattended, but it is great to have everyone get along and play nice.
Incredibly adorable. A busy but lovely life.
Hehe I have a picture of my son doing the same thing to the cat's tail. Just you wait until he starts walking...the 3 of them could be up to interesting things!
Hee hee, yeah little people LOVE furry tails!! "Gentle pets! Gentle pets!" has become the mantra at my house lately. Hee hee.
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