Sunday, January 25, 2009

Swissy Sunday - Winter Wonderland

We had two great days this week with Sherman and Scarlett. We got at least six inches of beautiful fluffy snow on Tuesday. The first part of the pictures are from that Tuesday. It was the first time Scarlett has ever been in snow. The funny thing is that the last time we had this much snow is the year we got Sherman.

Tuesday we had a nice long walk in the woods to admire all the snow. Sherman and Scarlett couldn't get enough of running around and chasing each other in the snow. Scarlett couldn't stop eating the snow and Sherman made his version of a snow angel.

On Wednesday we took some time and built a Snowlar Bear, our version of a snowman. Scarlett didn't like having to share the sticks from the yard and kept stealing them back. Once we went inside Sherman spent a good hour or so walking by the window and barking at the Snowlar Bear out in yard and Scarlet laid down for a nice long nap.


turtlegirl76 said...

Awww how cute! Scarlett looks like she had so much fun playing in the snow!

Zonda said...

Hehe..I got a good chuckle out of the pictures! She sure didn't like you using the sticks! I see she was quite worn out! Must have been so pretty around your house!!!

Stacey said...

lots of snow is the best thing for tiring out puppies!!! :) They look like they had so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! The doggies look like they are having so much fun. Love your Snowlar Bear :-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun was had by all. I take it your work was closed for at least one of the days. Good for all of you. We're to get maybe four inches of snow during the Tuesday to Wednesday period this week. I can get out all the mittens, scarves, hats and socks!!

Jennie said...

How fun!