Well things are moving along with the man socks. Slowly, but they are progressing. I've gotten the heels turned and have begun to move up the legs on these socks. I'm hoping that they will start to go a little faster now. The good news is that the end is finally in sight! I don't think I'll be knitting two socks at once again for awhile. This is my second time trying it out and I just don't enjoy the whole process very much. I did get an inch knit on each sock last night; I'm going for another inch tonight.

I'm also continuing to work on my little Silk Garden jacket. I hap a slight mishap. I knitted the marker right into the jacket! I just need to go out to the garage and find the wire cutters to extract it! I thought about unknitting the rows I need to get to the marker. In the end, I decided that just cutting it out and remaking the marker will be much quicker.
I'm still spinning too of course. I'm working on the skeins I need to go with last Friday's post for some sort of shawl. I'm thinking of a feather and fan type thing. I'll have the next skein posted on Friday.

I'm also looking ahead to my next spinning project and I think I 'm going to try spinning from a fiber batt this time. All of my spinning up until this point has been from combed top or rovings, but the fiber above is in batt form. I haven't figured out quite how I want to divide them up to start spinning. These batts are from
Hobbledehoy and the color is named Constellations. The fiber is merino, about 3 ounces, and is primarily black with bright colored streaks. I decided to just lay them out and have a look. I think the black might end up muddling all the other colors. I'm anxious to see how it turns out.
hmmm I've been thinking of trying out two socks at once, but you're making me think maybe that isn't the way to go...hmmm
oooohhh your jacket is gonna be awesome!
Those are some lovely colors, they are gonna look up fantastic all spun up. Waiting for pics. :)
The color on the Constellation is really nice. In the photo the black doesn't seem predominate but I have old eyes....
I did the same thing with a stitch marker but I wanted to save the marker because it was from you and so cool....
Too bad about the marker, but the jacket is going to look great!
I can't wait to see how the new fiber spins up, the colors are so bright.
Those will make lovely handspun. Yay..go you on those socks, 1" a nite...they'll be done soon!
Yikes on the stitchmarker...
I don't quite get the two socks at once either. I need the immediate gratification of "yay! I finished a sock!!" And, that way if I've messed up, its only on one sock too.
You are almost done though, so that's a good thing!!!
Hm, that's not encourating. I just bought a book about knitting 2 socks with one circular needle. I wanted to give it a try.Why do you not like it? I'm a DP lover myself. The batt looks fantastic. The black will muddle the colors, but they still will be seen. I'm spinning my "Happy Feet" right now, and I just love how it turns out, even with the black in it.
That black is intriguing...can't wait to see how it turns out.
Sorry, but I had to laugh about the marker! Why don't you just drop the stitches down and retrieve it?
I have the same batts!!! I haven't spun them yet, but they're soooo pretty!
Damn, you're spinning up a storm. Makin' me look bad! The socks look great but I'm loving the noro! Now pardon me whilst I chuckle in the corner over here about the stitchmarker.
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