This was my contribution to the latest baby shower at work. I had considered knitting something, but I was asked to make a diaper cake. It is the second one I've made for a co-worker's baby shower. I think the knitting would have been a little more cost effective - but the cake was definitely fun to make.

I started out with a package of size 1 diapers and rolled them up and secured then with a little light blue yarn. These diapers had a very colorful print and I think that added to the cuteness of the cake. The other cake I did was primarily white and pink and had an overall different look to it. Once all 100+ diapers were rolled up, I gathered them into four progressively larger round layers and secured each with more yarn. Ribbon could be used too, but I had baby blue yarn on hand. Rolling up all the diapers is where most of my time was spent.

I cut a circle out of cardboard and covered it in foil and stacked the cake layers on top of each other. There is a paper towel tube running through the center of the bottom three layers for a little stability. Next up was attaching all the little doo dads. Some are just resting on the cake and others are tied on with ribbon or yarn. Diaper pins are another great way to secure things to the cake too.

The hardest part was transporting the entire thing to work and hiding it in my cube until the party. I think overall the mommy-to-be was surprised with the shower and pleased with the cake. We are looking forward to meeting her new baby soon.
What a great idea! You're so creative. :)
That is so cute!
"D" is for "Darling" iDea too! Congrats to the soon-to-be momma!
I wish those things were around 6 years ago! The only issue I have with them is the word "diaper" and "cake" right next to each other ;-) Other than that they're super cute and you know they'll be used!
It's aDorable!
What a cute idea. It's such a useful gift.
Love it!! I think they are the cutest shower gifts! Great job!
That's a wonderful idea! I've neve seen anything like this before. I would have loved to get something like that, when I had my babies!
That turned out really cute!
What mother to be wouldn't like this?? Those print diapers really make it cute. I really like this one...
Oh, very cute!!! What a wonderful shower gift (and a great "D").
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