I put the quarter down on the cement and edged it closer to the spider with a really long stick. I didn't want to get that close to the thing. I was actually surprised how long the thing stayed there before running away. The word running isn't really too much of a stretch either - this sucker was fast!
I really had no idea what kind of spider this was, but I found this site online, bugguide.net. You can post a picture of your unknown bug or spider and someone will help identify it for you. That is where I came up with the name for this guy. I did read that these spiders don't build webs, but instead live in the debris and leaves around a foundation of a house sometimes. And that was exactly where he ran off towards. It has definitely curtailed my interests in weeding those areas.
EEEK!! Ummmm...cool picture, but yeah, I wouldn't want to get that close!
Yikes that thing is really scary!
Holy CRAP. That thing is HUGE! *shudder*
OMG, that thing is HUUUUUGGGEEEE! I hope they're not poisonous?
You are a True Blogger - I would have stepped on it and then realized "Sh*t, I should have taken a picture first!"
ewww!!! I wouldn't want to weed either!!
That's freaking huge!!
I hate it when they're fast. I can handle ugly and relatively slow--but fast...eek!
Okay...my skin is crawling...thanks for that...
omg you should of seen the grimace i made when i saw this. kudos to you, i would not have gone this close to take a picture. it would of jumped for my face!
And WTF didn't you squash him????? He'd been bird food for sure if I found him in my gardn.
Your HHH pal.
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