This is my first three ply yarn. My understanding is that there are really two ways to end up with a three ply yarn. One way would be to spin a long continuous thread and chain ply/Navajo ply it into a three ply yarn. I've read that the process is similar to making a chain in crochet. One of the advantages of this technique is that you can keep colors together as you ply.

I didn't use that method. Instead, I spun three individual threads and plied those together just as I would normally do with two threads. It was a little awkward at first. I had to get used to holding the three threads and controlling them so they plied together evenly. But I got the hang of that aspect pretty quickly.

The trickiest part was dealing with any type of breakage of an individual thread. It was challenging to manage each thread and get them to reconnect with a nice smooth join. The bad part is that I had that problem more that I ever have. I think in part this was due to how thin I attempted to spin each thread so I would end up with a three ply that could reasonable be used for a pair of socks.

The results seem to be worth it so far. The yarn seems strong but not too hard if that makes sense. I've decided that this will be knit up into my first pair of handspun socks instead of last week's two ply fingering weight. I've read that a three ply yarn is much more likely to stand up to the wear and tear that socks experience. After the spinning and knitting, I'd like the socks to last as long as possible.

I like the way this three ply turned out and I'd really like to try the other method in an attempt to create a striping yarn. But so far I haven't seen much that really makes it click in for me. I'm hoping to see the process in person at a guild meeting or SAFF in the fall. If you have a link to instructions that worked for you, I'd love to check them out.
Geddesburg Handspun YarnContent: Superwash Merino wool
Fiber Source: Pigeon Roof StudiosWeight: 4 ounces
Fiber Preparation: combed top
Yardage: 324 yards
WPI: 14 wraps per inch
Spinning Style: worsted
Spinning Ratio: 10 to 1
Plying Ratio: 10 to 1
Details: 3-ply, superwash merino
I've tried Navajo plyinng and it's HARD!! But the results are pretty. This is stunning....
Good for you a 3 ply! I love how you show the fiber before you spin it..at the end, so we can enjoy what it has become in the beginning. Gorgeous!
It's beautiful! I would have never guessed that it came from that fiber! It looks so different.
Very nice! :)
When are you opening your yarn shop so I can be a customer?? :)
I'm with cpurl!!! Your spinning is gorgeous!
wow, a "real" 3ply - gorgeous!!! i love it! i'll have to do that one of these days, but i'm just so damn lazy!
I really like this colorway. The close up shot looks so soft and muted. I can't believe it came from that fiber. You really have a good sense of what fiber to select. This will be gorgeous socks. You should brings some of your favorite yarn that you've spun for your grandma and grandpa to see. They would be very impressed and interested in how you do it.
Now I can't wait to see the socks!
Beautiful yarn; I can't wait to see the socks.
I've only done a three ply using the Navajo plying method and I really like it. I am a crocheter too, so I think that helps in getting the hang of it. I was taught by Amy (Spunky) and think seeing it in person really is the trick.
Wow. I love seeing the before and after shots. Very cool! What a great looking 3 ply! I haven't done that yet, but I do plan on it. I've tried navajoing but I always end up breaking really frequently so I get frustrated. ah well. That'll be beautiful socks!
I can't wait to see the socks! Well done!
WOW - what beautiful colours!
It's gorgeous!
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