Knitting entrelac is actually pretty simple. It does get a little monotonous turning the work around for each row of each rectangle. You can accomplish the same thing without turning the work around if you learn to knit backwards. Really all that is purling without turning your work around.
There are all kinds of tutorials on accomplishing this. There is an article on Knitty, or do a search on Google or even you tube to watch it. I tried it and it was a little awkward for me, but I think if I would have stuck with it I would have been able to get the hang of it. I must admit I gave up on it really quick.
In the end, turning the work just didn't bother me that much. Otherwise this is a really straight forward project and is was a lot easier than I ever thought it would be. I guess that goes to show I shouldn't put off the hard stuff for later - you never know what you're missing.
Pattern: Lady Eleanor Entrelac Stole by Kathleen Power Johnson
published in Scarf Style from Interweave Press
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden; color # 258
11 skeins = 1342.0 yards
Needles: addi TURBO - US# 9 (5.5 mm)
Finished Width: 19 inches
Finished Length: 78 inches
Notes: The stole is unblocked, I like the texture. I followed the pattern as written and continued until I had used 11 skeins. I ended up with about 2-3 yards leftover. The stole is made up of the base row, 51 tiers, and the final row of triangles.
That is just GORGEOUS!!!
Absolutely beautiful. Fantastic work. Now I really want to work on mine. :D
She's beautiful!! Makes me want to finish mine now. How long did it take you? I do "knit backwards - much easier for me. If you lived here - you'd still be wrapped up in that for a few more weeks!
It's beautiful! Lovely colors. I don't know how to knit backwards either. I know that you can do it, but have never felt the urge to try and learn it, but one never knows. :o)
It's lovely and I like the colors you chose. I started one last year out of Paton's Soy which I don't care so much for - I always seem to be pulling stray fibers off of my face!
And speaking of wanting to knit all day, I was going to ask you how you find the time to knit and spin!
That is really pretty...I give you credit for sticking with it! I am knitting a crib blanket at the moment and God knows it gets boring - no matter how interesting the pattern may be, it seems as though it shrinks with every row instead of growing...I know this too shall pass!
A definite beauty! I finally have knitting backwards down a bit, so maybe I can get the courage up to try entrelac. :)
It's so beautiful! You should be proud!
She's very pretty! C'mon weather--give her one cold day to try it out!
Wow, it's beautiful! The colors are awesome. Nice job!
Oh, wow. So beautiful, and the colors are happy and cheerful, which is a must for garments meant to be worn to keep you warm.
Absolutely stunning!!! the color is phenominal and the pattern is wonderful. With something this beautiful I might be tempted to turn up the air conditioner for a few days just to wear it around for awhile!!! Great job!!
it's just gorgeous! i especially love the colors in the second photo =)
Wow. That is beautiful!
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