This color is called blackberry. I don't really think of backberries when I see it - but I love the deep red colors all the same.
Yarn Details
Brand: Wollmeise
Yarn Name: sockenwolle
Color: Brombeere (blackberry)
Fiber Content: 100% superwash wool
Skein Weight: 150 gramsYardage: 574 yards
Online: Website / Blog
Oh my god, what a wonderful color. I don't like red usually, but this one is breathtaking.
I don't think of Blackberries either, but I think it's stunning! I have to get me some Wollmeise the colors are always amazing!
I see cranberry or poinsettia. Whatever - it's stunning.
I agree no blackberry like it here, but I love the rich brown red nonetheless :)
Lovely pics :)
Beautiful! I love that antique bobbin too.
that's lovely. do you know what it's going to become yet?
So I look completely ugly in deep reds, but I'm sooo drawn to them. This is no exception!
Hmmm I seee... socks for Cpurl...oh wait. *snaps out of it*
That's a gorgeous skein!
Of course I love the blackberry that's not really blackberry.
Very impressed with the spun yarns. I guess I haven't checked the blog all week because I had missed the midweek posts. Can't wait to see the actual master at work!!
That's the colorway I tried to buy when I got my wollemise but it got snatched right outta my cart! you're so lucky. That's such gorgeous stuff.
Your Fiber Fridays are always great, but this one is FANTASTIC!
I shouldn't have looked, I shouldn't have looked, aaargh, there goes my yarn diet. My mother is calling today and I'll ask her if she'd mind forwarding a large-ish shipment from Wollmeise.
Just gorgeous!! I love seeing Wollmeise yarns away from the shop so to speak, they always look different! Nice job! :)
like the juicy stains that run down your chin while gobbling up blackberries... yum!
Yeah, that Brombeere is a killer. SO lovely!
phwoar! I think my heartrate just increased....Seasons Greetings to you from across the pond. I am taking some of the lovely alpaca you gave me last year to Spain to knit lace in the sunshine. x
love that deep, rich red color!
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