This is our favorite Christmas wreath. My mother-in-law made it several years ago. The "reindeer" head came from a stuffed moose my husband and his siblings had and loved. My in-laws had a house fire and the head of the moose was the only thing salvageable. So she decided to take the head and turn it into a reindeer wreath for Christmas. He does have a red nose - it just isn't attached right now. It is packed away in some box of Christmas decorations and I haven't been able to put me hands on it. Hopefully she doesn't call me on it when she visits this year for the holidays.
That is so clever!!! I think he's Christmasy as a moose in a wreath. No need to be species cross dressing!
That is too cute!! :)
Tag! You're it! See my blog for details:)
Too cute! I love it!! Hehe my hubby is going to love his new moose pj pants LOL!
When I first saw this I thought 'why has Sharon put a furry sporran in a wreath?'...then I put my glasses on! He's great.
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